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Evaluation & Economic Loss

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Whether a client is reclassifying a position, or at a time when life’s circumstances result in a legal practitioner’s injury, Law Staff is sought to provide valuable guidance on remuneration or the loss of earnings for lawyers.

In this regard, we are often requested to assess the insured’s skillset and career history, as well as provide advice on projected income given the person’s current practice specialisation and career trajectory. Comprehensive expert reports are prepared for insurance claims and court submissions.

Law Staff has also been asked to assist in objectively and accurately evaluating the duties, responsibilities, and authority level of a legal job, and advise on appropriate remuneration levels for proposed or newly created legal positions including portfolio splitting or the onshoring of roles here in Australia for international corporations.

Similarly, advising legal practices on the Australian Taxation Office’s Assessing the Risk: Allocation of profits within professional firms requires an assessment of commercially realistic incomes for practitioners.

Your primary contacts for this market segment are Craig Ashton-Sward and Trudy Reading.