Advice in this area is often sought by lawyers looking to morph from one discipline to another – whether by practice area or industry sector.
It is not uncommon to hear a legal practitioner express some delusion around their legal careers actually manifesting in a manner considerably different to their expectations.
Our advice in this manner is a result of gaining an understanding of skillset and interests, as well as establishing preferences and demographics. Through an acute understanding of the legal landscape, our Client Advisors should be able to provide you with clarity of direction, or will challenge your thinking in terms of alternate career paths that should culminate in ultimate career satisfaction. And, if we can’t facilitate it for you, then we will refer you to trusted industry colleagues or provide you with a course of action on how to achieve this independently.
Regardless, our discussions are entirely complimentary to you as it is our way of giving back to the legal community. Take some additional comfort in knowing our discussions are in a relaxed loungeroom setting over coffee and, as with any sensitive deliberations of this nature, Law Staff remains absolutely committed to confidentiality.
Your primary contacts for this market segment are Craig Ashton-Swardand Trudy Reading for senior legal practitioners, and Bianca Calder for Junior to mid-level lawyers.